Northern Colorado Real Estate

Garage Sales

We are having a garage sale, we cleaned out some closets, the garage and decided to try and sell some of it. It is true one persons junk is another mans treasure. We have made almost $200.00 so far. We are sitting in our chairs just letting the cars come by.

It is a beautiful day in Fort Collins think we will go for a walk when we close this up. Will take and donate the rest of our stuff to Goodwill or some other place so we don’t just pile it back in the garage.

Success to all.

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Helping your neighbors
May 26, 2010, 1:28 pm
Filed under: Buyers, Realtors, Sellers, Wellington CO General Information

When I was growing up I always thought about the older people that needed help. I was always drawn to open a door or carry a bag.

As the years went on I was able to help some ,taking them to the grocery store, bringing items when they could not get out etc.

Then my parents got old, and sick. I was called to care for them , and I felt that some of my training was to prepare me for what was going to happen.

It did not make the dying process any easier but I knew more then I would have about the care of the elderly.

Now I find myself adopting families with children , in need. No job, no help, they have too much to be in the “system” but not enought to live on.

In these tough times take the time to bring bread and cereal to people going through hard times.

Have we forgotten how to give?

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Fort Collins Home Prices

Zillow Home Value Index

What’s this? Close
Zillow Home Value Index
Mid-point of Zestimate valuations for Fort Collins. Half the Zestimates are above this number and half are below it.
Median list price ($)

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Median list price ($)
Mid-point of the list price for homes listed on Zillow in Fort Collins, or the asking price.
Median sale price ($)

What’s this? Close
Median sale price ($)
Mid-point of the price homes have sold for in Fort Collins. Half the homes sold above this number and half sold below.
Total homes sold

What’s this? Close
Total homes sold
Total number of homes sold in Fort Collins during the prior 30 days.
Median value per sq. ft. ($)

What’s this? Close
Median value per sq. ft. ($)
Mid-point of the value of all homes in Fort Collins, per square foot. This is derived by taking the Zestimate for each home and dividing it by the homes square footage (e.g. a 1,000 sq ft home with a Zestimate of $200k has a $200 value/sq foot).
Median list price per sq. ft. ($)

What’s this? Close
Median list price per sq. ft. ($)
Mid-point of Fort Collinss list prices when divided by the square footage of a home (e.g. a 1,000 sq ft home with a list price of $200k has a list price/sq ft of $200).
Median sale price per sq. ft. ($)

What’s this? Close
Median sale price per sq. ft. ($)
Mid-point of Fort Collinss sale prices when divided by the square footage of a home (e.g. a 1,000 sq ft home that sold for $200k has a sale price/sq ft of $200).
Median sale-to-list price ratio

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Median sale-to-list price ratio
Mid-point of the ratio between the sale price and the list price for all homes in Fort Collins (e.g. if a home with a list price of $200k sells for $250k, its ratio would be 5:4 or 1.25).
Listings with price cut (%)

What’s this? Close
Listings with price cut (%)
The percentage of current listings on Zillow in Fort Collins whose price has been reduced in the last 30 days.
Median price cut (%)

What’s this? Close
Median price cut (%)
The mid-point of the percentage of price reduction for homes in Fort Collins whose prices have been reduced in the past full month.
Sold for loss (%)

What’s this? Close
Sold for loss (%)
The percentage of homes in Fort Collins that sold for less than the previous purchase price (e.g. a home purchased for $250k and then sold for $225k). This excludes foreclosure transactions.
Sold for gain (%)

What’s this? Close
Sold for gain (%)
The percentage of homes sold for more than their previous purchase price (e.g. a home purchased for $225k and then sold for $250k).
Homes foreclosed (%)

What’s this? Close
Homes foreclosed (%)
The percentage of all homes in Fort Collins that were foreclosed in a given month. A foreclosure is when a homeowner loses their home to their lending institution or it is sold to a third party at an auction.
Foreclosure re-sales (%)

What’s this? Close
Foreclosure re-sales (%)
The percentage of home sales in a given month in Fort Collins where the home was foreclosed upon within the previous 12 months (e.g. sales of bank-owned homes after the bank repossessed a home during a foreclosure).
Increasing values (%)

What’s this? Close
Increasing values (%)
The percentage of homes in Fort Collins whose values have increased in the past year.
Decreasing values (%)
Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Too Much Rain

We have not had much of a spring here in northern Colorado. We have had snow and wind, until you are ok. that is enough.

Wind is great if you have a wind farm. When you are trying to be outside it get’s old quick.

Last night we had tornado’s, wind and rain that would not quit. It was nothing like last spring, but it brought back memories of the big one in Windsor CO.

I love our seasons, as you know if you read my blog. What happened to Spring? We really never had one.

I hope this is not what our summer is going to be like.

We are planning a camping trip for Memorial day weekend. We are going. Thank goodness for a good heater in the camper. We will hike and dress warm. We will fish and probably dress warm. Hope it stays dry.When you live in Colorado you expect weather. We usually have better springs.

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Circus Fun

I hope many of my friends took advantage of the Circus last night. It was fun. I took my twin 4 year old grandsons, they had a great time. One rode the elephants, the other said, no way.
They were tired of sitting toward the end, this was a small circus, but for a good cause. Shriners do a wonderful job of earning money.
Would like to take them to a bigger circus when it comes close, more animals would probably keep their attention.
Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today
Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Tell all and be Honest

This is a great time to list your home. When listing with an agent be honest about where you are. If you are behind in your loan, let us know, we will market your home differently or give you information for a home Modification loan to try and help you stay in your home.

The information that we can give you about your home is worth your time to hire us. We have gone to the trouble to learn and be able to represent you in the selling of your home, you would not try and fix a problem with your car engine if you were not a mechanic, why would you try and sell your own home?

The market is great if you are thinking of selling your home, contact me.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Winds in Northern Colorado

I am not used to saying I don’t like the weather. I can usually find something to do even if I am snowed in, I don’t mind catching up on paper work or reading a good book.
I like the seasons and if the wheather is bad it usually does not last too long so you can get through it.
Today we had winds up to 80 mile an hour. That was too much for me.
I had to put a sign in the yard in Wellington and I am sure this was not much fun in this wind. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Although Some would say this is a good thing for wind power I would prefer that the winds would die down,

I had to put a sign in the yard today. It got done but I would rather not have to do it with the winds this strong again.

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

The Mess we are in

I am reading articles about money, everyone, countries included are behind in payments etc.

They have spent more than they make for a very long time. Can they stop? Can they tighten their belts and live smarter?

We all have to do this. How can we tell our children, don’t borrow this is not a good way to get started , when our government goes more and more into debt daily?

We are not setting a good example. We the people don’t approve , but the officials we have elected to place our votes don’t seem to care. I hope we all vote in new blood this next election. Only complete change can help.

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Don’t Do THIS

My partener and I just had a very difficult closing in Wellington CO. The loan was difficult because of two kitchens in the home, Rural Housing did not want to approve this one. We continued on and got approval from another company quickly.

These buyers had good credit, loved the home and all seemed unfair. We were able to get an extention on the closing date from the sellers, with some difficulty.

The day before closing the sellers home was not going to be available until the day after closing, we agreed to something we never do, we closed and gave them until 3 PM the next day to be out of the home.

At 5 PM the next day my buyers  call, no key, no sellers , stuff still in the home.

No I know better, this is my nightmare! I call the sellers agent, he was hurt moving, there is now a hole in the wall, they have agreed to fix this and at 5:45PM my buyers get the key.

Words were exchanged before I could get there and it was not a happy day for anybody. Wow. I knew better.

Filename: j0425784.wmf Keywords: boxers, boxing, emoticons ... File Size: 41 KBThanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today

Vacations and Fun


Vacations are soo much fun! I just got back from Roswell GA. I had a fantastic flight, a little bumpy.

I was fortunate enough to be staying at my Aunts home, it is on a very large lot, beautiful trees, flowers, what a view from her windows.

When I drove up it reminded me of the old days , the great big homes, huge yards.

More impressive were the neighbors and friends. It was this community of people who had known each other for ten to thirty years.

They had known my uncle, now he is gone and my aunt who is 89 still lives alone, with the help of hiring people and her wonderful friends and neighbors.

I was able to view a few of the old mansions but spent most of my time visiting. Will be planning a trip back to see the old mansions and want to drive to Madison which is well preserved and breathtaking, I have seen pictures.

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Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!

Thanks for reading my Wellington Colorado Real Estate Blog!
Posted By: Terri Onigkeit – Wellington CO Realtor,
specializing in Wellington CO Real Estate and Northern Colorado Real Estate
Are you relocating to Wellington? Contact me today